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Purple Tradescantia


Purple Tradescantia


Grown on site at Blue Spade Greenhouse.
Grown in a 3 inch pot.

Wandering Jew plants are fast growing, easy- care plants that are perfect to hang in front of a window that gets bright indirect light. The zebrina variety has long vines covered in small stemless leaves about 2” in length. The colorful patterned leaves are green with purple stripes and a silver shine. The underside of the leaf is a deep purple or magenta color. There are other varieties of Wandering Jew plants that have pink, off -white, or a bronze stripe in their leaves. The “fluminensis” Wandering Jew plant has small, solid green leaves and white flowers while the “palida” variety has purple leaves with white, purple, or pink flowers.

Light Requirments:Wandering Jew plants like bright indirect light. The better the light, the more flowers and colorful leaves a Wandering Jew plant produces. Direct sun causes the purple and cream colors in the leaves to fade.

Water Requirements: Water well and then allow the top 2" to 3" of soil to dry out before watering again. If the soil of a Wandering Jew plant stays too dry and the plant is in bright light, the leaves become stunted and lose color. Over watering causes root rot.

Food Requirements: Feed monthly when a Wandering Jew plant is producing new growth with a water-soluble houseplant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength. Using a plant food high in nitrogen helps a Wandering Jew plant produce more colorful leaves. Over- fertilizing is another reason why the bright colors in the leaves start to fade.


**Taken from

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